职 称:讲师/副教授
学 历:博士
[3] 湖北省重点实验室开放课题:高压微射流调控菜籽蛋白-壳聚糖复合颗粒界面组装行为机制研究,2023-2024年,主持。
[1].Hu Yuying, Li Chunmei, Regenstein Joe M, Wang Lufeng. Preparation and properties of potato amylose-based fat replacer using super-heated quenching.Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 223, 115020.
[2].Hu Yuying, David Julian McClements, Wang Lufeng, Li Chunmei. Formation and characterization of starch-based spherulite: Effect of molecular weight of potato amylose starch. Food Chemistry, 2021, 371, 131060.
[3].Hu Yuying, Yu Ben, Wang Lufeng, David Julian McClements, Li Chunmei. Study of dextrin addition on the formation and physicochemical properties of whey protein-stabilized emulsion: Effect of dextrin molecular dimension.Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 128, 107569.
[4].Hu Yuying, Tan Yunbing, David Julian McClements, Wang Lufeng. Fabrication, characterization andin vitro digestive behavior of Pickering emulsion incorporated with dextrin.Food Chemistry, 2022, 384, 132528.
[5].Hu Yuying, Li Chunmei, Tan Yunbing, David Julian McClements, Wang Lufeng. Insight of rheology, water distribution andin vitro behavior of starch based-emulsion gel: Impact of potato starch concentration.Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 132, 107859.
[6].Hu Yuying, Wang Guanghong, Pan Siyi, Wang Lufeng. Influence of ethylene and ethephon treatments on the peel color and carotenoids of Gannan Newhall navel orange during postharvest storage. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2018, 42(5).(Cover paper, pp.e12534)
[7].Zhou Hualu,Hu Yuying, Tan Yunbing, Zhang Zhiyun, David Julian McClements. Digestibility and gastrointestinal fate of meat versus plant-based meat analogs: Anin vitro comparison. Food Chemistry, 2021, 364, 130439.
[8].Guo Qing, Shu Xin,Hu Yuying, Su Jiaqi, Chen Shuai, Eric A. Decker, Gao Yanxiang. Formulated protein-polysaccharide-surfactant ternary complexes for co-encapsulation of curcumin and resveratrol: Characterization, stability andin vitro digestibility.Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 111, 106265.
[9].刘程玲, 胡煜莹, 王力翾, 王鲁峰. 普鲁兰酶酶解处理红薯淀粉及其性质研究. 中国粮油学报, 2018, 33(2), 6-11.
[10].国家发明专利(授权):王鲁峰, 胡煜莹, 刘凤霞, 徐晓云, 潘思轶.一种粉丝粉条的加工方法 (公布号: CN105495547B).